the pontoon is a floating platform for outsider writing on music and people. It’s a zine, not a journal. Its content is invited and discussed, not submitted and edited; and it’s not peer reviewed. It has arisen out of an interest in alternative approaches to knowledge, to non-knowing, and to methods of enquiry that feel congruent with critical arts-based topics and values. The views expressed in the pieces that are uploaded are those of the individual authors, and do not reflect the opinions of the zine host or its affiliates. No responsibility is assumed by the zine host for any injury and/or damage to persons or property from any ideas contained in the published material. That said, the pontoon is here to critique, inspire, and to float ideas. Its intention is to enrich conversations around the disciplines of doing music with people. So some chafing may occur in the process of uncovering some of this work. If you’re new here, you’re welcome.